March 8, 2011
Agency$80,000 for Car Insurance?
Average American Spends More than $80,000 on Car Insurance in Their Lifetime The average American spends a staggering $84,388 on car insurance in their lifetime. No, that’s not a typo. That’s your bill, according to the latest analysis of car insurance quotes by (A written copy of this article can be furnished upon request.) […]
May 8, 2013
AgencyFertilizer Plant Explosion in West, TX
Last week while watching the news a reporter stated that it was estimated that 53% of those affected by the fertilizer plant explosion didn’t have insurance. The first thing that comes to my mind is how did they even come up with that figure. The next thing that comes to my mind is how many people […]
May 4, 2018
On May 19th, 2018, Lone Star Insurance Agency will be out at the 7th annual City On A Hill Festival at the Burleson High School. We are proud sponsors of Crazy 8 Ministries that help women in need and this event. Come out and see us! It starts at 10 AM and goes to 3PM. […]
June 28, 2018
AgencyDonating Blood Could Save Your Life
3 Ways That Donating Blood Can Save Your Life Article Source: Blood donations have been a large part of American culture for years now. All across the United States, donor clinics have been established to take blood donations from anybody with a healthy supply. It may seem like a pretty one sided sacrifice, apart […]
August 16, 2018
AgencyBack To School
September 14, 2018
AgencyThis Day In History: The Star Spangled
A Brief History: 204 years ago, an epic song was inspired. It was the War of 1812. America was fighting Britain over their interference in their international trade and affairs. On September 14, 1814, Britain had bombarded Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland throughout the night. Francis Scott Key had been detained on a British ship […]
October 29, 2018
AgencyBoo Bash Photo Booth – The Pics are IN!!!
I’ve heard from a few of you already, so I know that y’all are super excited to see the photos that were taken at Boo Bash on Saturday! Well…. HERE THEY ARE:: Boo Bash 2018 Photos They are free for private use and we ask that you only download the […]
June 5, 2019
AgencyTacos, Snowcones, TX Rangers – Blood Drive
August 30, 2019
AgencyHappy Labor Day 2019
DID YOU KNOW?:: The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday September 5, 1882 in New York City. 10,000 workers took unpaid leave and marched in a parade that ended with a concert, speeches, and a picnic. Before Labor Day, the average American worked 12 hours a day and 7 days a week. Children, as […]